NSW TrainLink
- 312 Inverell to Tamworth
- 311 Tamworth to Inverell
- 338 (Tuesday) Inverell to Armidale
- 337 (Tuesday) Armidale to Inverell
- 142 Moree to Grafton
- 141 Grafton to Moree
For timetables and information, please go to www.transportnsw.info/regional
For Bookings
Phone 132232
Trainlink website
or your local travel agency
Accessible Services
If you are travelling in a wheelchair or have other accessibility requirements, please contact NSW TrainLink in advance. Call 13 22 32 to book and discuss your travel needs. For more information, visit www.transportnsw.info/regional
You are allowed three pieces of luggage per seat booked. All items other than hand luggage must be stowed in the compartment beneath the coach.
Hand luggage and carry on
Hand luggage has a maximum weight of 5kg and must fit under your seat.
Checked luggage
Items checked into the luggage compartment have strict weight restrictions:
- Suitcases – 20kg
- Soft bags – 15kg
- Bikes, boards and other items – 20kg
Soft bags must be medium-sized, zip-up and contain clothing and soft items only.
Bikes, boards and other large checked items have a maximum height restriction of 2 metres.
Bikes must be dismantled and securely packed in approved box or bag. Skis and poles, snowboards and surfboards must be in protective bags.
Garbage bags, boxes and tea chests are not permitted.
Meals, drinks and snacks
You can bring water on board, however other drinks and food is not permitted. Stops for meal breaks are scheduled into trips longer than 4 hours.
Drinking alcohol or being in possession of an open container of alcohol is not permitted on coaches and at coach stops. It is an offence and fines apply.
If you have any enquiries please contact us direct.